Please submit your questions and we'll answer them below.
Q: Why should I join the Facetopo project? What will I get out of it?
A: Through your participation in the Facetopo project you will learn about your facial features, how unique you are, and how you fit into our universe of diverse human adult faces! When you've made an accurate facemap the Facetopo app generates your custom face analysis results based on your 3D facemap. Many branches of science study faces including: psychology, forensic anthopology, and facial morphology.
Q: Who will see my selfies?
A: Only you. Your privacy is important to Facetopo. Only you can access your face data via your password-protected Facetopo account. Facetopo data scientists will use your selfies internally for visual reference purposes; they will not be shared. We are developing new features that will enable you to share your own selfies and facemaps if you choose to. There will be different levels of sharing, and you will control who sees your photos.
Q: How will my facemap be used?
A: Your anonymized facemap data will be included in our big data analyses, but it will have no connection to your identity. Facetopo keeps your personal data private and secure.
Q: Can I join if I'm under age 14?
A: Yes but only with parental consent. We're only analyzing ADULT faces at the moment. Tell your adults about Facetopo and get them to do it. We plan to add kid and family face comparisons eventually.
Q: I want to share my Facetopo 3D facemap. Is this possible?
A: Yes it is! Just follow the instructions in the app, and be sure to tag us #facetopo
Q: Can I make a facemap if I don’t have an iPhone?
A: Yes! The Facetopo App is now available in the Google Play store. Or you could create your own account and use the app on your friend's device.
Q: What features are being developed?
A: We are planning a Website for Users to login to their Facetopo account to see all of their facetopos (3D facemaps, selfies, and facestats) all in one place, with features like:
User Profile questionnaire
Virtual Make-up - see how professonial make-up artists would design your make-up based on your facial geometry
Pro Make-up Demo - learn how to apply make-up to accentuate your natural facial geometry
Global Facetree - a visualization of taxonomy of faces of the world. Users can see which branches of the tree correlate with their face.
Facetopo Family Tree - A User can help their family make Facetopos and link them all under one User account. User will be able to Import photos to create facetopos of ancestors, and create a visual family tree. Users can import and map ancestors/family faces over generations and see how parent’s faces have combined in children.
My Facetwin - (Opt-in required) to be notified of other Users that have a face match greater than 90% (% to be confirmed).